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Homage to the Paramaguru

The condolence meeting Sabha of the Parishat to mourn the great loss of Bhy. Vuppuluri Ganapathi Sastry Garu was conducted in the premises of Ujjaini Mahakali Temple Hall at Secunderabad on 12.11.’90 under the Presidentship of Bhy. Sannidhanam Lakshmi Nayayana Murty Garu. Justice P. Kodandaramayya, and Justice G. Venkatrama Sastry being the Chairman and Hon. Advisor respectively had graced the occasion.  The Vedic fraternity  at the time was highly learned and renowned Veda / Sastra Scholars, who participated as never before, signifying their great respect for the thespian, un-paralled in Vedartha, (Vedic interpretation) and also to shower their Blessings on members of the Parishat.

Bhy. Maddulapalli Manikya Sastry Bhy. Gullapalli Suryanarayana Ghanapati
Bhy. Remella Surya Prakasa Sastry Sriman K. Pandurangacharya
Bhy. Dendukuri Venkata Appayya Bhy. Bhamidipati Mitranarayana Yajulu
         Yegyanarayana Poundarika Yajulu Bhy. Bulusu Vyaghreswara Chainulu
Bhy. Dendukuri Agnihotra Pundarika Yajulu Bhy. Goda Subrahmanya Sastry
Bhy. Dendukuri Hanumath Yajulu Bhy. Rani Narasimha Sastry
Bhy. Vishnubhotla Adinarayana Ghanapati Bhy. Suri Ramakoti Sastry
Bhy. Dendukuri Venkateswara Yajulu Bhy. Madhura Krishnamurty Sastry
Bhy. Vangala Ramamurthi Ghanapati Bhy. Sripada Lakshminarayana Sastry
Bhy. Yenamandra Venkatrama Sastry Bhy. Sripada Subrahmanya Sastry
        Ghanapati Bhy. Ramchendrula Koteswara Sarma
Bhy. Gullapalli Venkatanarayana Ghanapati Bhy. Lanka Sitarama Sastry
Bhy. Gullapalli Anjaneya Ghanapati Sriman Vangipuram Ramanuja
Bhy. Hari Hara Bhadra Ghanapati Charyulu
Bhy. Chitti Subrahmanya Ghanapati Sriman Kandada Ramanuja Charyulu
Bhy. Yenamandra Subrahmanya Somayaji Sriman  Maruganti Ranga Charyulu
        Ghanapati Bhy. Maddulapalli Dattatreya Sarma
Bhy. Vedam Ramaswamy Ghanapati Sriman Chelamcherla Sesha Charyulu
In the Words of Sri P.V.R.K. Prasad, IAS (Retd.):
“….a unique person, a unique scholar and only one of his stature in the country- God alone knows when we can have such a person in future”
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